Sunday, February 6, 2011

Static vs. Dynamic Technologies

Click on Image to Enlarge:

Based upon my philosophy of distance education, I believe I am moving away from the static end of the static-dynamic continuum, closer towards the middle. I am an active participant in discussion boards and Wikis, and even Blogs! However, up until recently, my participation has not been as dynamic as it should be; in fact, participation has been rather mediocre, barely making par. In order to begin to move toward the dynamic end of the spectrum, I will personally reevaluate my 3 C's participation: Content, Collaboration, and Communication and develop strategies to increase my performance in these three areas. As Fahy (2008) asserts, "what the learner does with the media is more important than what the teacher does" (p. 171). As a learner, I will become more interactive with the media/technology made available to me via Walden University's eCollege and through the Internet.

Blogs Posted to:
Linda Hutchinson
Karen Connell

Blogs that I found to be of great interest were Milton Francis' as well as Karen Connell's. I tried to be selective in my choosing, by not choosing teachers of the same subjects as my former specialization - mathematics - but inevitably, I have gravitated to like minds. Both Karen and Milton in their blogs, pose some interesting and controversial comments. Milton often had great insight and intellectually stimulating feedback. For both of these blogs I am appreciative!


  1. Charity

    I like your color-coded concept map, it looks great.

    Beautiful self-assessment, and I like the fact that you are truthful to yourself, and is willing to do something about it in moving towards dynamic technologies.

    Back to the concept map: You have placed virtual worlds at the right place - Dynamic.
    However, why would you classify blogs, wikis, and the threaded discussion board as dynamic technologies when Moller said that they allow the learner to interact with the content by analyzing what others are saying to build knowledge on that premise?
    According to Moller, the dynamic part of the continuum calls for deeper cognitivity, and I believe that is found within one's mind set, where you don't depend on others thoughts to create your own knowledge.
    What do you think?

  2. Charity, very colorful display. Catches my eye.
    Fahy's assertions were interesting to me. When it comes to technology, it would be hard to say that the instructor needs to be more efficient in the tools than the students and vise versa. I believe this aspect will always be ongoing.
    We all seem to be in the middle of this concept.

  3. Charity, Beautiful visual representation of the static/dynamic continuum. I can't help but think that your self assessment has everything to do with creating more time to implement all of the learning strategies and tools the online community of Walden has to offer. It is crazy how much we can learn but difficult to get it all in given our personal time constraints. I think that you correctly placed each of the technologies in the appropriate sections. I read Milton's comment about the placement of wikis, blogs and discussion boards. If we take this assignment as an example, we needed to "figure out" how to create a concept map...which I did not have prior knowledge about. The wiki for me is also a tool that fosters communication among group members, but has the added feature of attaching independent student files for shared discussion. What do you think? Based on Moller (2008), she placed wikis, discussion boards and blogs in the middle.

  4. Thanks to everyone for posting comments, I am utilizing them all to grow and press forward on this journey! Again, Thank you.

    Milton, as usual, you pose very thought-provoking questions. Karen said it best when in her comment she referred to the method in which Moller places blogs and wikis in the middle. I would like to piggy back on this thought by saying that "analyzing" as you described it Milton, lies dead center per se in Bloom's Taxonomy. In this regard, I think we all three see eye to eye on the placement of the technologies; and, as Linda states here, we are indeed all "in the middle" :-)

  5. Charity, nice post!
    I'm curious as to your thinking behind placing text-messaging under the static category, but otherwise I think I'd most likely put the majority of things in the same places you did.

    I notice as well that it looks like we used the same tool to create the concept map:

    Nice work!
